The New York Bar Foundation
The New York Bar Foundation is a nonprofit, philanthropic organization that receives charitable contributions from individuals, law firms, corporations or other entities. The Foundation makes grants to financially support law-related programs of legal services organizations, nonprofits, bar associations and other organizations.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities Family and Community Services provides housing, employment, and coordination of care to help people of all ages and all walks of life live independently with dignity, while facing the challenges of addiction, aging, mental illness, HIV, poverty, developmental disabilities, and immigration.
Legal Services Corporation
Bringing Justice To All — The nation's single largest funder with over 1.8 million low-income Americans served. High-quality civil legal aid assistance. LSC encourages programs to leverage limited resources by partnering and collaborating with other funders of civil legal aid, including state and local governments.
Monroe County
A community of innovators on the cutting edge, a community of artists featuring world-renowned performers, a community of entrepreneurs home to some of the world’s best known brands and fastest growing startups. But most importantly, a community with limitless potential and endless possibilities.
NYS Department of Criminal Justice
The Division of Criminal Justice Services supports all facets of the state’s criminal justice system. DCJS provides training and enhances public safety by providing resources and services that inform decision making and improve the quality of the criminal justice system.
United Way of Rochester
United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes
encompasses 5,144 square miles of rural, suburban, and urban neighborhoods, and brings together more than 50,000 donors, 14,000 volunteers, 600 workplaces, and hundreds of nonprofit partners to address the region’s biggest human services challenges.
ONA was created to welcome immigrants and to help them in achieving their American Dream. Through its statewide network of community-based providers, ONA assists all new Americans in accessing and navigating free services and supports their inclusion as an integral part of New York State’s diverse cultural fabric.
The New York State Interest on Lawyer Account Fund ("IOLA") helps low income people in New York State obtain help with civil legal problems affecting their most basic needs, such as food, shelter, jobs and access to health care. Created in 1983, with the strong support of the New York State Bar Association.
Western District of NY Court Fund
The United States district courts are the trial courts of the federal court system. Within limits set by Congress and the Constitution, the district courts have jurisdiction to hear nearly all categories of federal cases, including both civil and criminal matters. Every day people across the nation are selected for jury duty and help decide.
NYS Department of Health
The NYS Department of Health has been overseeing the health, safety, and well-being of New Yorkers since 1901 – from vaccinations to utilizing new developments in science as critical tools in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Health equity is foundational to everything they do to help all people.
City of Rochester
In upstate NY, Rochester is a city on Lake Ontario. Old industrial buildings cluster near the Genesee River’s High Falls. A city where world-changing breakthroughs meet genuine, hardworking people connected by the traditions they share, the opportunities they embrace, and the progress they seek.
The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) is responsible for supervising programs that provide assistance and support to eligible families and individuals. OTDA’s functions include providing assistance in many areas such as food, housing, child support and disability benefits.
NYS Office of Court Administration
The Office of Court Administration is the administrative arm of the court system, under the direction of the Chief Administrative Judge. They hear more than three million cases a year and assist in programs such as Access to Justice, ADA and Language Access as well as providing research and data.
The Foundation of the MCBA
The Monroe County Bar Association is committed to improving the quality and accessibility of justice; promoting respect for and understanding of the law; enhancing professional growth, fulfillment, excellence, collegiality and diversity among its members; and serving as the voice of the law profession.
NYS Department of State
The NY Department of State’s core mission is to provide a better quality of life and expand opportunities for all New Yorkers by fostering community revitalization, economic growth, protecting consumers, helping new Americans, supporting local governments, assisting individuals and families to achieve economic mobility.
Founded in 1946, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, voluntary bar association that provides continuing legal education, professional services, information, and expertise to more than 16,000 attorneys who practice and teach immigration law.
NYS Office of Attorney General
As head of the Department of Law, the Attorney General is both the People's Lawyer and the state's chief legal officer. The Attorney General serves as the guardian of the legal rights of the people of New York, its organizations, and its natural resources. It advises the executive branch of state government.
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